Monday, August 18, 2008



1.) Type your answers to each of the questions below into the Flickr search engine.
2.) Pick an image from the first page only
3.) Copy and Paste the URLs for each image into Mosaic Maker.
4.) Save your mosaic to your computer and upload it into your own post.

1.) What is your first name?
2.) What is your favorite food?
3.) What high school did you go to?
4.) What is your favorite color?
5.) Who is your celebrity crush?
6.) What is your favorite drink?
7.) What is your dream vacation?
8.) What is your favorite dessert?
9.) What do you want to be when you grow up?
10.) What do you love most in life?
11.) What is one word to describe you?
12.) What is your flickr name?

Sunday, August 17, 2008


So I recently got turned onto the cultish world of CVSing. After 2 trips, I got super lucky on the 3rd....Lucky to the tune of $3.54 for all of the items in the above picture. If you're interested in learning how to use CVS to your advantage, read about it here:

So here's what I did:
I started with $5 ECB (Extra Care Bucks)

1st Transaction:
1 Extra Gum 8-pack @ $1 each
1 Bic Soleil 4-pack @ $4.99
8 Hershey Extra Dark huge bars @ $1.79 each

$2 off $10 coupon (CVS)
8 $2 off Hershey Bar coupon (facebook coupon application)
$2 off Bic Soleil refil

TOTAL: $.54 and earned $10 ECB for the Hershey Bars & gum

2nd Transaction:
1 Extra Gum 8-pack @ $1
1 Bic Soleil 4-pack @ $4.99
2 Colgate @ $2.79 (BOGO)
7 Orbit gum packs @ $1.19
6 Pantene shampoo/conditioner @ $7.99

$2 off $10 coupon (CVS)
$3 off Bic Soleil refil
$.50 off Colgate coupon
7 $1.25 off Orbit coupon (facebook application)
6 $6 off Pantene coupon (facebook application)
$5 ECB
$10 ECB

Total: $3.00


and I had a blast saving so much money!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Hair

Ah yes, the hair........for those of you who I haven't seen since the wedding, I did cut it all off. I didn't do it the morning after the wedding, like I hoped, but a few months later, it all came off. Now that it is short again, I don't know why I kept it long as long as I just doesn't suit me. Here are pics of the wedding hair (which was absolutely worth growing it out for), long and ugly, and then short and sassy....just the way I like it!


I know I haven't written anything in awhile, but I was going through our camera and found some pictures to share. I'll split it up into a few different posts, but browse through and see the goods :)
This first post will be a few pictures of our second honeymoon. We called this vacation our second honeymoon because our first honeymoon was rough. It was a great time together, especially coming off of the busy-ness of the wedding, but it was rough. A week before the wedding I came down with all of the symptoms leading up to my gallbladder removal. We didnt' know what it was that was making me so sick, which caused too much worry and bother, and I spent our first honeymoon jacked up on it was a good time, but some days were full of pain attacks and weariness. Our second honeymoon was pretty much just fun. We met some cool people throughout the week, who we hung out with, played with, and even went on a day trip with one couple we met. And no, we're not swingers. :) We spent alot of time on the beach napping, reading, and Dave played a ton of beach volleyball.