Wednesday, February 13, 2008

27th Anniversary

I just wanted to give a quick shoutout and congratulations to my parents--today is their 27th anniversary! Dave and I are going over there for dinner. Mama refused to tell me what kind of cake she made....even after I said 'Selah.' She thinks she's much funnier than she actually is. Aaron will also be there, which will be nice. That means Dave and I get to see him twice in 2 weeks. Chava--we'll miss you lots and wish you were there. Love you more than lots.

Lord, we ask you for many more years for Mama and Papa to be together. (and we ask that you take Papa first, and Mama very shortly after) We ask that you continue to knit their hearts together and that they continue to pursue You first and each other second. Thank you Lord that they're still together and have given us great examples of fighting. We pray that they would continue to delight in each other. Amen!!!