Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meal Planning Monday (on a Tuesday)

Let me just say that we are no longer participating in the All You Grocery Challenge. I've been pretty bummed about not doing it, but have been learning some timely lessons, which makes it worthwhile. (at least that's where I keep redirecting my attitude)

I am still trying to keep up with my meal planning though, because that is the true key to my food budgets. So, for this week we are eating:

Monday: Grilled Chicken, Homemade Flatbread (with red onions, green olives and aged white Australian cheese), Roasted Red Potatoes, Green Beans, Cucumber/Sour Cream sidedish, and Salad -- I was REALLY in the mood for a summer feast, but went WAY overboard, so we invited friends over :)

Tuesday: Leftovers from my compulsive Monday cooking

Wednesday: Oven-Fried Eggplant & Salad (hopefully Dave will look past the vegetarianism of this meal)

Thursday: Grab-n-Go Food -- Probably a mish mash of leftovers, cereal, and/or wontons -- We are planning to clean the church that day, so we just have to eat something quick and go

Friday: Burgers? Maybe these burgers :)

Saturday: Shepherds Pie

What are you eating?